“Bucks for Brevard” was adopted as the campaign slogan for the SE Region scholarship. The Trophy of Menus Cookbook was published to raise money for a SE Region student to attend Brevard summer music camp.
The format of this cookbook continues our “bucks” theme. We have used “deer” dialect in selecting our categories. Our members wanted a different cookbook…not just one with recipes; so we came up with the idea of menus. In our SE Region Cookbook Index, you will find our clever categories. Herd Menus are family favorites; Doe Brunches, Luncheons, and Teas are mainly ladies’ favorites; Stag Menus interest men; Fawn Menus are children friendly; Whitetail’s Holiday Menu are special occasion meals; Herd Winter Stash include summer bounty saved for fall and winter; Deer Trough include beverages; The Big Hunt- State to state include our friend’s favorite menus/recipes from other states; Extra Points are actually single recipes sent not in menu form from members or friends; and last but not least, Trophy Room Recipes are out treasured vintage recipes.
Contact Barbara Hildebrand to order your cookbook.
If mailed send check payable to: Bucks for Brevard in the amount of $25.00